pedagogical conditions, postgraduate education, project activity, readiness for project activity, social pedagogue, training.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of pedagogical conditions for the training of social pedagogues for project activities in postgraduate education. The purpose of the work is the theoretical substantiation of the requirements for the teacher's profession and his personality. Pedagogical conditions for the training of social pedagogues for project activities are determined as factors, circumstances, necessary and sufficient for the organization and conduct of such training in postgraduate education. The main pedagogical conditions are singled out: updating the content of advanced training courses with innovative modules which provide a cognitive basis for the readiness of social pedagogues for project activities; motivation of social pedagogues to implement project activities in social-pedagogical work; using of innovative technologies in the process of socio-pedagogical work; increasing the effectiveness of methodical support for the training of social pedagogues in postgraduate education. The specified pedagogical conditions ensure the effective development of the professional competence of social teachers and direct them to further professional growth. The results of a survey of social pedagogues regarding their attitude to project activities are presented. It was established that more than half of the respondents at advanced training courses were introduced to the elements of project activity, a small part of social pedagogues received information about the specifics of project activity during informal education: webinars, master classes. It has been proven that the implementation of the specified pedagogical conditions requires the updating of educational and professional programs for the training of social pedagogues in the institutions of higher and postgraduate education, the using of innovative pedagogical technologies in the training process, the introduction of new formations into the traditional system of training social pedagogues in advanced training courses.
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