Focus and Scope

The Journal’s Aims: to popularize and support research in continuing professional education; to model open and informative interdisciplinary forum for discussion about the problems of modernization Ukrainian and foreign systems of professional education.

The Journal’s Scope.  Electronic scientific journal “Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice” publishes articles on the problems of philosophy, theory and practice of continuous professional education.

The publication is addressed for researchers, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral candidates, students of post-graduate education, students, higher school teachers, everyone who is interested in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy of continuous professional education.

“Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice” has been published since 2001.

Scientific journal «Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice» has been included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor, Candidate and PhD may be published (by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from December 28, 2019, No. 164328). The scientific edition is assigned the Category «B» in the Field of Study: 011 - Еduсаtiоnal, Pedagogical sciences, 012 - Рге-Sсhооl Еduсаtiоn, 013 - Рrіmагу Еduсаtiоn, 014 - Sесоndarу Еduсаtiоn (bу subject specialization), 015 - Vocational education (by subject specialization), 016 - Special education."

According to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 768 dated June 20, 2023 an electronic scientific professional journal «Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice» was transferred to the List of electronic professional publications of category «B» for specialties 011 – Еduсаtiоnal, Pedagogical sciences, 012 – Рге-Sсhооl Еduсаtiоn, 013 – Рrіmагу Еduсаtiоn, 014 – Sесоndarу Еduсаtiоn (bу subject specialization), 015 – Vocational education (by subject specialization), 016 – Special education.