digitalization, quality, quality of higher education, research concept, system.Abstract
This article is dedicated to defining the concept of the quality of education, particularly higher education, within the context of various research concepts. It emphasizes that the quality of higher education is a complex, multidimensional, and multi-level phenomenon with a comprehensive and systemic nature. The article explores three main research concepts: socially and historically determined quality of education, subjective perception as a value depending on stakeholders' understanding, and education quality as a systemic object of managerial influence. It highlights that the quality of higher education is ensured by several key parameters: the quality of the teaching staff, the quality of teaching (implementation of cutting-edge technologies by academic staff in the professional training process), the state of material and technical infrastructure, laboratory equipment of higher education institutions, and financial support.
The article analyzes regulatory and strategic declarative documents of the European Union and the European Higher Education Area, as well as strategic and legal acts of Ukraine. It establishes that the issue of education quality is evolving and improving within the framework of adopting and implementing a series of documents in the European Educational Area. It underscores that education quality is a national priority and a prerequisite for the national security of the state, complying with international norms and the requirements of Ukrainian legislation regarding citizens' right to education. The article emphasizes that contemporary civilization and national challenges of the 21st century necessitate the search for new methodological approaches to enhancing the quality of higher education, including its digitization.
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