competitive advantages, control, information and communication technologies, information, innovation, knowledge, knowledge management, ; quality of higher education universityAbstract
Today in a rapidly changing competitive environment each university faces the need to constantly transform the knowledge and information management system, to respond quickly, to predict and to apply new forms of change management that determine managerial innovations and their efficiency. Conceptual approaches and practical experience of the knowledge and information management system formation and functioning at a modern university have been studied in the article. The purpose of the article is to highlight the theoretical foundations of the knowledge management system formation and to compare the experience in organizing the process of knowledge and information management at leading foreign higher educational institutions. Based on the analysis of the models and the practical implementation of knowledge and information management, the author's vision of important components in the knowledge management system at modern educational institutions has been suggested. Taking into account the active use of the latest information and communication technologies in higher education systems of the majority of the world’s countries, the importance of their application in the educational activities of participants in the educational process and in managerial activities of the administrative staff at universities has been stressed. This will optimize knowledge and information management at universities and will contribute to improving higher education quality, creating a competitive advantage in the market of educational services. The practical importance of knowledge and information management at university lies in the fact that the transfer of accumulated knowledge is aimed at the formation of competitive specialists, and in the fact that generation of new knowledge multiplies intellectual capital, provides competitive advantages and increases the competitiveness of the economy and society of any country.
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ETH Zurich’s Strategy and Development Plan.
González-Zamar, M.-D., Abad-Segura, E., López-Meneses, E., Gómez-Galán, J. (2020). Managing ICT for sustainable education: Research analysis in the context of higher education Sustainability, 12 (19). 10.3390/su12198254
Kafashpoor, А., Shakoori, N., Sadeghian, S. (2013). Linking organizational culture, structure, Leadership Style, strategy, and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management. Advanced Research in Economic and Management Sciences, 10, 158–172.
Lo, M. F., Tian, F., Ng, P. M. L. (2021). Top management support and knowledge sharing: the strategic role of affiliation and trust in academic environment. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25 (9), 2161–2177. 10.1108/JKM-10-2020-0800
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Nawaz, N., Durst, S., Hariharasudan, А., Shamugia, Z. (2020). Knowledge management practices in higher education institutions – a comparative study. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 22 (2), 291–308. 10.17512/pjms.2020.22.2.20
Nonaka, I., Toyama, R., Konno, N. (2000). SECI, BA, and leadership: a unified model of dynamic knowledge creation. Long Range Planning, 33 (1), 5–34.
QS World University Rankings 2022.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. ETH Zurich.
University of Oxford. Strategic Plan 2018–24.
Vega-Hernández, M.-C., Patino-Alonso, M.-C., Galindo-Villardón, M.-P. (2018). Multivariate characterization of university students using the ICT for learning. Computers and Education, 121, 124–130. 10.1016/j.compedu.2018.03.004
Wiig, К. (1997). Knowledge Management: An Introduction and Perspective. Journal of Knowledge Management, 1 (1), 6−14.
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