independent activity, pedagogical principles and conditions, pre-service teacher of choreographic course of study, self-education, skills of educational self-organizationAbstract
The article deals with the issue of improving the preparation of pre-service teachers of choreographic course of study for the independent arrangement of their educational activities in the process of professional education. The author defines that the ability to self-organization is one of the key competencies of pre-service teachers, which is based on the skills of educational self-organization. With these skills, students gain the opportunity to effectively plan, diagnose, monitor, adjust and evaluate their learning and its effectiveness. The paper substantiates the essence of the concept of «skills of educational self-organization» and discloses its content, taking into account the specifics of special disciplines and the nature of educational (scientific-theoretical, methodological, creative-interpretive, pedagogical, ballet-master, artistic and performing) activities of pre-service teachers-choreographers. Focusing on the current trends in the increase in the number of academic hours planned for independent work, and the gradual transition in the training of specialists to distance and mixed forms of education, the article emphasizes the importance of developing and applying special pedagogical principles and conditions for organizing vocational education of students-choreographers based on educational self-organization and self-education. It has been determined that scientific principles underlie the study of pedagogical theories, processes and phenomena and guide the strategy of their development. In the context of the formation of the skills of educational self-organization of pre-service teacher of choreographic course of study, expedient pedagogical principles are determined: the principle of personal-semantic coordination, the principle of professional self-presentation, the principle of personalization of training. It is indicated that the developed special pedagogical conditions can create favorable circumstances in the educational process for achieving the set goal. Effective pedagogical conditions for the successful formation of the skills of educational self-organization of pre-service teacher of choreographic course of study are: activation of students’ motivation for independent activity, support for the initiative of self-education of future specialists, ensuring the development of the volitional sphere of students.
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