optional block «Foreign languages», professional practice, primary school teacher, future primary school teachers’ foreign language training, primary school teacher training, specialty 013 «Primary education», student trainee, teaching method, technology, спеціальність 013 «Початкова освітаAbstract
The article is devoted to the issue of organizing the future primary school teachers’ professional practice within the pedagogical specialty 013 «Primary education» the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the content of the optional block «Foreign Language». In the process of the work, the native and foreign special literature on the research problem was analyzed. The normative legal documents and reports on the issues of the primary school teacher training, in particular its practical professional component, in the leading European countries were taken into account. To achieve the goal, a set of scientific methods was used: theoretical ones – studying the state of the investigated problem, determining the essence of future primary school teachers’ professional practice; empirical methods: questionnaires, interviews; pedagogical observations. It was found that the main purpose of professional practice of future primary school teachers within the optional block «Foreign Language» is the formation of their practical methodological competence through the implementation of theoretical knowledge and skills in foreign language teaching methods at primary school, modern technologies and innovative teaching tools. When organizing this type of practice, it is necessary to take into account the following tasks for the development of future teachers’ skills: to use teaching methods, technologies and tools of foreign language teaching at primary school in accordance with the practical purpose of the lesson; to plan a foreign language lesson methodically correct; to select, analyze and effectively apply modern technologies and innovative means of teaching a foreign language in accordance with the practical purpose of the lesson; to develop lifelong learning skills; to develop the ability of future teachers to plan a foreign language lesson and to control the formation level of foreign language knowledge, skills and abilities of primary school pupils. It is proved that the result of effective organization of professional practice within the optional block «Foreign Language» is the formation of future teachers’ professional competencies: the ability to organize foreign language teaching at primary school with focus on modern methodological approaches and leading pedagogical experience; ability to communicate in a foreign language in an oral and writing forms within a certain foreign language topic; ability to use a foreign language in various situations of social, educational and professional communication.
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