development of leadership qualities, future pedagogue, leadership, leadership qualities, student government, teacher-leaderAbstract
The article theoretically substantiates the influence of participation in student government on the development of leadership qualities of future teachers.
The complex of leadership qualities of a modern teacher, which is formed in higher education students during their studies in the higher education institution (HEI), namely initiative, organization, communication, responsibility, creativity, critical thinking, research qualities, emotional intelligence, social activity, strategic vision, ability to work in a team, social adaptability, ability to lead, tolerance, willingness to come to the rescue, honesty and reliability, has been defined. These qualities will help a future teacher to carry out their own professional activities at a high level; will promote the development of skills to quickly establish contacts; direct class work; find quick and unusual solutions to problems; feel and understand the inner world of others; set short and long life goals and achieve them; work in a team; etc. This indicates that the graduate of the HEI must have a full set of leadership qualities that will contribute to his successful professional activity and will actively influence the development of relevant qualities in his students.
Student government is emphasized as a self-organized activity that develops the leadership qualities of students, skills to work in a team, plan and predict their own team activities, creativity, critical thinking. An example of the implementation of the role-playing game «Day of Student Government», tested by us at Bar Humanitarian and Pedagogical College named after Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, as a component of interactive technology aimed at developing leadership qualities of future teachers in the process of attracting to the activities of student government bodies, is proposed.
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