institutions of higher education, personalization, personification, personalized approach, professional trainingAbstract
Professional training in the context of reforming the education sector acquires new aspects and forms of implementation of educational programs, taking into account the personality-oriented trajectory of individual professional growth of each subject of the educational process. The solution of the problem is relevant nowadays: what is important in the process of personal and professional development – personalization or personification of the educational process? The article highlights the features of personalization and personification of professional training, reveals and clarifies their essence, provides an analysis of scientific publications on this issue; the need to introduce a personalized approach, which is an important means of achieving this goal. Theoretical bases of personalization and personification of professional training, features of the organization of educational activity covering cognitive, informational, scientific-innovative, social, administrative spheres are characterized. It is proved that important conditions for personalization of the educational process in higher education institutions are the cultural impulse in the idea of democratization and construction of society and man, the tradition of socio-humanitarian thought, individualization of education and so on.
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