literature lesson, lesson structure, learning technologies, technological approachAbstract
The article covers the issue of using a technological approach in the construction of literature lessons. The educational achievements in the sphere of the problem, modern possibilities of innovative educational technologies, and their role in a modeling of school literature lessons are analyzed.
The technology of the constructed scientific literature has been revealed, focusing on the reading ability of a teacher, his (her) cognitive activity in using modern pedagogical and information technologies.
Improving the effectiveness of teaching literature in a technological pedagogical process is associated with the formation of the teacher’s readiness to model a holistic system of lessons as an algorithm of step-by-step student-reader actions based on a deep understanding of lesson structure and logic, taking into account clear goals and objectives at each stage, rational use of time and modern technologies.
It is claimed that the introduction of modern information technologies in the study of fiction at school has a positive impact on the perception of works of previous eras, bridges the gap in time, increases interest in literature and a teacher-innovator, increases the level of modern literary education. Therefore, the technological lesson is a clear algorithm that provides a systematic way of its construction, connects general didactic, methodical and artistic aspects of the lesson, acts as an indicator of its modernity and efficiency.
The article indicates the typical disadvantages of introducing modern technologies by teachers and the construction of a lesson based on a technological approach. The author draws attention to the main contradiction in the work of linguists – a misunderstanding of the difference between a technologically structured lesson and a lesson with technology warns against literal technologicalization in the work of a teacher of philology.
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