lesson of foreign literature, national identity, teacher’s system of work, values, writerAbstract
The article deals with the problem of the readiness of the literature teacher for the forming of the national identity of students in foreign literature lessons. The aim of the article is to outline the components of the foreign literature teacher’s readiness and his / her actions in the formation of students’ national identity. The following methods of scientific research were used to achieve the goal and to solve the set tasks: theoretical: analysis of sociological and psychological-pedagogical sources about national identity and ways of its formation in school youth – to substantiate scientific thesis of the research; empirical: analysis of conceptual scientific foundations of professional training – to determine the components of the readiness of the literature teacher to form the national identity of students; practical: problem-search, modelling, systematization – to prepare recommendations, models of lesson preparation by the teacher. Each literature teacher should have basic knowledge of the theory and practice of forming of the national identity of school youth. Without assimilation and respectful attitude to the national values of people, it is impossible to form the national consciousness of the students. The article identifies and describes the motivational and value, cognitive and activity components of the teacher’s readiness for forming the national identity of students in foreign literature lessons, approaches to learning: personal-oriented, national-oriented, cultural, dialogical, integration of knowledge-based, knowledge-integration active.
The ways of formation of national identity of students in lessons of foreign literature are described, notes for the student, an algorithm of modelling of the lesson on national-patriotic education are offered. The offered methodical materials will help the teacher of foreign literature to be ready for effective solution of this problem. The result of forming a national identity of students will be conscious citizens-patriots of their country.
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