The professionally oriented socio-cultural competence formation by means of the Internet use at foreign languages lessons


  • Oksana ROMANENKO


In the article the problem of future economists training for further professional activity
is covered. It is underlined that the use of Internet intensifi es greatly the professional
training of future specialists in economics. The key competences, the formation of
which is the aim of foreign languages learning are defi ned. The importance of the role of
professionally-oriented socio-cultural competence forming for students in economics is
defi ned, the scopes of the use of Internet and information net functions are highlighted,
the peculiarities of work with Internet-resources are given.


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How to Cite

ROMANENKO, O. (2019). The professionally oriented socio-cultural competence formation by means of the Internet use at foreign languages lessons. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1), 61–68. Retrieved from

