
  • R. A. Kravets


multicultural competence, professional training, structural components, reflection, subjectivity, destereotypization, internality


The article deals with the categories of
multiculturalism, basic European values, the
intercultural dialogue, multicultural education
and multicultural competence. The problems of
multiculturalism and multicultural education are
revealed through the analysis of the Bologna
Declaration documents on the European space for
higher education and overall scientific research.
The multicutural competence as a component and 

a result is necessary to acquire in the process of
students’ comprehensive training.
The significance of forming multicultural
competence of future agronomists in the process
of professional training is topical in the article, its
essence has been analyzed, the structural
components of multicultural competence of future
specialists of agrarian industry have been
distinguished and substantiated and their
maintenance exposed.
The multicultural competence of future
agronomist is the ability to relate effectively to
individuals from various groups and backgrounds.
This competence recognizes the broad scope of
dimensions which influence a personal identity.
The dimensions of future agronomists’
multicultural competence include race, ethnicity,
language, gender, age, socioeconomic status,
education and religiouslyspiritual orientation


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How to Cite

Kravets, R. A. (2019). STRUCTURAL COMPONENENTS OF THE MULTICULTURAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE AGRONOMISTS. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 80–86. Retrieved from

