social competence, socialization, role identity.Abstract
In modern terms for university graduates
especially important to be understanding the social
significance of their profession and therefore
understanding its place in the system of social
relations, and the ability to critical evaluation of
his life and professional experience, a conscious
choice of ways and methods to improve personal
and professional qualities. Due to the pressing
problems of socialization specialist in modern
scientific literature in higher education
(government, industry, universities) much
attention is paid to the key, socalled social
competencies. The article deals with theoretical
aspects of determining the content and structure
of the social competence of specialists, in particular
its social role component. Indicated by current
approaches to classification of roles, their stage of
development, role expectations and demands of
society stereotypes, assumptions role identity.
Today, social scientists subject is considered as a
person who not only learns the social demands, but
also selfproduces important social needs for
himself and directs efforts to implement them,
guided in their behavior prevailing value
orientations and ideals, reveals a certain limit, not
be antisocial, autonomy, ie isolation, isolation from
society. In achieving social competence should be
interested as the personality and society.
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