особистіснопрофесійна по зиція, освітнє середовище, гуманістична спря мованість, особистісно орієнтований підхід.Abstract
Our studies provide a basis to assert that the
formation of studentteacher professional
positions largely due to how organized learning
environment in school. His humanistic orientation
is determined by: the presence of reflexive and
innovation environment in the educational system,
the common design of the educational process of
all its members, studentoriented approach to the
educational process; atmosphere institutions,
characterized by trust, openness, shared activities
for students and teachers, cocreation, on
yektyvizatsiyeyu in the pedagogical community
personal values and meanings, the presence of
feedback on the status, development status and
problems of all members of the educational process;
organization personal experience of living and
working conditions of the participants of the
educational process in freedom and responsibility,
“living in the humanistic paradigm” (meetings,
clubs, recreation, educational seminars); openness
of the educational system, involving analysis of
public examination as a means of humane support.
Our studies provide a basis to assert that the
formation of studentteacher professional
positions largely due to how organized learning
environment in school. His humanistic orientation
is determined by: the presence of reflexive and
innovation environment in the educational system,
the common design of the educational process of
all its members, studentoriented approach to the
educational process; atmosphere institutions,
characterized by trust, openness, shared activities
for students and teachers, cocreation, on
yektyvizatsiyeyu in the pedagogical community
personal values and meanings, the presence of
feedback on the status, development status and
problems of all members of the educational process;
organization personal experience of living and
working conditions of the participants of the
educational process in freedom and responsibility,
“living in the humanistic paradigm” (meetings,
clubs, recreation, educational seminars); openness
of the educational system, involving analysis of
public examination as a means of humane support.
Our studies provide a basis to assert that the
formation of studentteacher professional
positions largely due to how organized learning
environment in school. His humanistic orientation
is determined by: the presence of reflexive and
innovation environment in the educational system,
the common design of the educational process of
all its members, studentoriented approach to the
educational process; atmosphere institutions,
characterized by trust, openness, shared activities
for students and teachers, cocreation, on
yektyvizatsiyeyu in the pedagogical community
personal values and meanings, the presence of
feedback on the status, development status and
problems of all members of the educational process;
organization personal experience of living and
working conditions of the participants of the
educational process in freedom and responsibility,
“living in the humanistic paradigm” (meetings,
clubs, recreation, educational seminars); openness
of the educational system, involving analysis of
public examination as a means of humane support.
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