demiurgism, entelechy, living, life, nature.Abstract
The ideas of essence of living in phylosophy of Platon and Aristotelare studied in the article.
The first studies in ancient phylosophy aimed on understanding of universal regularity, the only origin of all living, that was concretized as fundamental principle, where primary sources specify the image of the world and the process of its regulation.
Taking into consideration changing of the aspects of question «What is the beginning of all living» and thereafter “What way does it arrange?», the comprehension of fundamental principle, which links up with the first incitement, live power of creation of multilevel living (Aristotel); with demiurge, the ideal first origin, creator of Universe, endued with activity, reasonableness and goodness (Platon), changes. Thus, close by material concept about origin of living in ancient times the opposite approach to it – idealistic begin to form. It comes from that, that the beginning of the world couldn't occur in a nature way on Earth; life is the result of God creative act (creationism), and therefore peculiar, independent from material world «life power» (visvitalis), which direct all life processes inherent to all beings.
Ancient philosophy, exactly Platon's Demiurge creates substance, «forming the substance, which exists forever as chaotic sphere». According to Platon, which of the manifestations wouldn't demiurge acquire, he must be active. Also demiurge must have status of live being. Platon rejects the concept about nature as about something self- willfully active, where because of unwise reason appear things, animals plants etc. He links their appearance up with wisdom of God's art».
In philosophy of Aristotel, Platon's apprentice, the idealistic views connected with the development of concrete learning, with the images about reality of material world and its movement. Aristotel considers entelechy- the moment of eternity, which thread «the body with life» as the criteria of distinction between live and inanimate. Aristotel distinguish several general features, typical to life in whole. According to Aristotel nature as living connected with the certain moment of existence. Existence is treated as beginning. To be the beginning means to be the reason of something other – which begins, appears, becomes.
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