
  • Oksana Burak


globalization, postmodernism, relativism, holistic education, value.


Postmodern age and globalization processes make us to face new challenges. And the person should have a range of skills and abilities to overcome these issues life requires to be solved in our modernized reality.Furthermore, interconnectedness requires intercultural cooperation that in turn needs integration on the common basis. On the way of integration can appear some obstacles such as ethnocentrism, xsenophobia, racism, etc. That is the reason certain mechanisms for minimizing such negative tendencies and formation of integration platform should be found. These two factors depend on the values and abilities for cross-cultural communication of an individual.  Values and abilities can be the product of educational environment. But today it is controversial question: does the educational system respond the climes of globalized reality? Nowadays the sphere of education is directed mostly at producing successful participator of the capitalist market. That’s why there are a lot of critics around the matter. This is the reason of seeking new, alternative ways in the field of education. The concept of holistic education can be one of them. It becomes the subject of studies in different fields. Besides, there are examples of its realization in pedagogical practice.

On the basis of theoretical analysis of holistic concept of education is possible to make a conclusion that such a way of educating can compensate the gaps of today’s educational system. It is necessary because too rationalized methods, pragmatism and fragmentarity force the person to be egoistic and concentrated on his/her own (mostly materialized) needs. But globalized reality demands fully developed, mobile, adaptive individual that is able to act successfully at the global scale. So, there is a problem between the real condition of the educational environment and the circumstances determined by postmodern era. But often deep crisis can become the fires stage for the solving of the problem. And it is possible to have a hope that holistic concept of education can be an alternative for future.


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How to Cite

Burak, O. (2019). HOLISTIC CONCEPTION OF EDUCATION IN FORMATION OF HOLISTIC PERSONALITY OF POSTMODERN AGE. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (3), 52–56. Retrieved from http://npo.kubg.edu.ua/article/view/183489

