spiritual production, production of a person, production of forms of relations, material production, nonorganic body of a person, organic body of a person, a man's world, knowledge societyAbstract
The article deals with the role of the category of «spiritual production» in the study and development of human. The author stresses that the production of man – the most fundamental and primary attitude socio-historical process. On the one hand, the impact of intellectual production for the production of a person (training, education)is immediate. In this respect, it is an essential element of spiritual formation of the nonorganic body of a person. On the other hand, the spiritual production affects the formation of human indirectly. In such cases, it takes part in the creation of an inorganic material and social body of a person. Among the factors mediated the effect of cultural production to the production of man is critical of its material and technological function. It provides material production purposes, the perfect image and programs for the real environment, which is necessary for the formation a certain type of society and person. No less important is the role of socio-technological, or social-integrative, ideological, scientific, educational, aesthetic and socio-cultural functions. The main result of their implementation – the production of spiritual conditions and means of creating a holistic material and spiritual world society, its theoretical, sensual, emotional, philosophical, ideological products. Taken together, they constitute the spiritual environment in which is formed and lives not only to the whole of society, but each person.References
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