Transcendent existential as a ground of Cognition
cognition, existential, man, Rahner.Abstract
Man constantly seeks new knowledge. The base of knowledge has been the subject of study of many researchers. This issue was also the subject of religious reflection. Reflections on the subject found in Babylonian epic Enuma Elish. In this epic created by a person from a different matter than the world: if the material for world was the body of the goddess Tiamat, then the material for the creation of human was used blood of God King. The Babylonians carried a clear distinction between man and material world. In Egyptian mythology tells people emerged from the tears that flowed from his eye Amun-Ra. Eye beloved daughter of God – Goddess Hathor-Tefnut. The myth portrays man as a creature that is part of a deity. The seat of the divine blotches Egyptians believed the human heart. In the biblical description of creation is found antinomy Rights, which unites God and earthly. It explains that God created man from "dust of the ground" and breathed His Spirit into it. Plato imagined the man as a spiritual being. The purpose and the main task of the soul, according to Plato, is θεωρία. Looking for answers to the question why a person knows, we find ourselves in the realm of religious thought. Most of these arguments are intuitive. The human mind knows not for practical use, so that this activity is a natural for it. The natural human knowledge for making ownership rights to the Absolute. Analyzing human nature, Rahner has come to the conclusion that the person is in principle not subject to Definition. Its essence will always remain an absolute mystery that cannot be categorical expression of the human machine. Rahner named presence of God in man as transcendent existential. Knowledge is not only the possibility of man, but its purpose. Man cannot know. It is doomed to constantly get down essences of all things. Thereby it realizes the potential it granted due to the presence of inclusions in it the Absolute. It continues the divine mission of creating, opening, and even creating the essence of things and the worldReferences
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