quality, effectiveness, excellence, idea of the University, world-class university, world rankings.Abstract
It is analyzed the influence of the market forces on the forming of modern university ideals; it is defined new main acme guides – quality, effectiveness and excellence of the university education; it is comprehend their meaning both in the international and Ukrainian contexts.
It is defined that crisis of Modern University is caused by the need to define new grounds of its existence. In global knowledge-based society one cannot no longer have a monopoly on the preservation, enhancement and transmission of knowledge. It is assumed that the further development of the University at the local level will be influenced by combining private, public and civil sectors. Its global development will be determined by the global transnational economy. So we can admit the inconsistency between the essence of the idea of the University with its mission to provide free spiritual production and the reality in which modern universities do not differ much from other higher education institutions.
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