corporation, corporate culture, organizational culture, typology, education, university.Abstract
This paper drawn attention to gaps in the study of problems of corporate culture and educational organizations, the essence of corporate culture and its implications for higher education, given the presence of various attributes and methods of separation (separation of powers and related value orientations, stage maturity organizations, etc.) in the typology of corporate culture reveals different typology of corporate culture, highlighted the lack of common and universal classification thus concluded that existing typologies should be used in the study of the corporate culture of the modern university.
It is maid the conclusion that corporate culture is complex and multilevel phenomenon, that individualizes any companies, including the educational institutions, gives them unique style of activities. That is why the corporate culture of different universities is characterized by certain common points. At the same time each university has its own specific characteristics of its culture. Therefore it is very difficult to reveal a typology of corporate culture. It can be defined on the basis of different aspects and in different ways.
The analysis of the known definitions of corporate culture shows that the most researchers interpret this concept as the system of common opinion that is accepted without proofs and shared by members of one collective / group. This system differentiates one corporation from another. Corporate culture is not only an original mix of values, attitudes, norms, habits, traditions, forms of behavior and rituals that are specific to a particular organization, but also the environment and self-fulfillment of corporation, its characteristic style of attitudes and behavior in society.
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