corporate culture, university, competitiveness, corporate culture types, internal and external attributes of the university corporate culture, functions of corporate culture.Abstract
The phenomenon of corporate culture of the university is considered as a factor in its formation and institutional development. Such an approach is possible under the following conditions: clarification of the semantic notion of "corporate culture"; characteristic of the nature of corporate culture through the analysis of its type; investigation of its internal components and external attributes; comprehension its guiding principles and functions.
The internal components of the corporate culture of the university should include the following: behaviors; customs and traditions; rituals, group norms; declared values; philosophy of the university, code of conduct; corporate climate; existing practical experience; integration characters.
The external attributes of corporate culture include the following: awareness of myself and my own place in the organization; communication system and speech communication; appearance, clothes and self-presentation; relationship between people; external presentation of values and norms; faith and loyalty; the development of the individual employee and his training.
The basic principles must be followed during the formation of the university corporate culture: the principle of universality; the principle of availability; the principle of clarity and uniqueness; the principle of respect for the individual personal culture and national culture; the principle of reasonableness; principle reach the main objectives and values of corporate culture.
To determine the conditions of formation of the corresponding model of corporate culture, it is necessary diagnosis of the existing situation at the university, which will highlight and justify the need for a mechanism for its future development.
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