education, national education, educologyAbstract
The article analyzes the characteristics of national education in Ukraine in such periods as era of the Russian Empire , the Ukrainian liberation movement in 1917-1920, Soviet era in the context of formulation contemporary educational knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the social foundations of folk education, to the influence of the UPR on the creation of a national education system, its elimination by the totalitarian system. The modern educational system in Ukraine is considered as a fundamental basis for the development of the nation.
Modern education is characterized as:
- the basis for national security;
- base of preservation of historical and national-ethnic identity of the people;
- the leading mechanism of social and cultural continuity in the development of society;
- the basis playback of spiritual potential of the state and development of individuals;
- generic requirement, the form of human life in society;
- the mechanism of reproduction of the science and culture;
- the intellectual, scientific and educational basis of modern economics;
- the main mechanism of the reproduction and development of social intelligence
Keywords: education; national education; educology.The article analyzes the characteristics of national education in Ukraine in such periods as era of the Russian Empire , the Ukrainian liberation movement in 1917-1920, Soviet era in the context of formulation contemporary educational knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the social foundations of folk education, to the influence of the UPR on the creation of a national education system, its elimination by the totalitarian system. The modern educational system in Ukraine is considered as a fundamental basis for the development of the nation.
Modern education is characterized as:
- the basis for national security;
- base of preservation of historical and national-ethnic identity of the people;
- the leading mechanism of social and cultural continuity in the development of society;
- the basis playback of spiritual potential of the state and development of individuals;
- generic requirement, the form of human life in society;
- the mechanism of reproduction of the science and culture;
- the intellectual, scientific and educational basis of modern economics;
- the main mechanism of the reproduction and development of social intelligence
Keywords: education; national education; educology.The article analyzes the characteristics of national education in Ukraine in such periods as era of the Russian Empire , the Ukrainian liberation movement in 1917-1920, Soviet era in the context of formulation contemporary educational knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the social foundations of folk education, to the influence of the UPR on the creation of a national education system, its elimination by the totalitarian system. The modern educational system in Ukraine is considered as a fundamental basis for the development of the nation.
Modern education is characterized as:
- the basis for national security;
- base of preservation of historical and national-ethnic identity of the people;
- the leading mechanism of social and cultural continuity in the development of society;
- the basis playback of spiritual potential of the state and development of individuals;
- generic requirement, the form of human life in society;
- the mechanism of reproduction of the science and culture;
- the intellectual, scientific and educational basis of modern economics;
- the main mechanism of the reproduction and development of social intelligence
Keywords: education; national education; educology.The article analyzes the characteristics of national education in Ukraine in such periods as era of the Russian Empire , the Ukrainian liberation movement in 1917-1920, Soviet era in the context of formulation contemporary educational knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the social foundations of folk education, to the influence of the UPR on the creation of a national education system, its elimination by the totalitarian system. The modern educational system in Ukraine is considered as a fundamental basis for the development of the nation.
Modern education is characterized as:
- the basis for national security;
- base of preservation of historical and national-ethnic identity of the people;
- the leading mechanism of social and cultural continuity in the development of society;
- the basis playback of spiritual potential of the state and development of individuals;
- generic requirement, the form of human life in society;
- the mechanism of reproduction of the science and culture;
- the intellectual, scientific and educational basis of modern economics;
- the main mechanism of the reproduction and development of social intelligence
Keywords: education; national education; educology.The article analyzes the characteristics of national education in Ukraine in such periods as era of the Russian Empire , the Ukrainian liberation movement in 1917-1920, Soviet era in the context of formulation contemporary educational knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the preservation of the social foundations of folk education, to the influence of the UPR on the creation of a national education system, its elimination by the totalitarian system. The modern educational system in Ukraine is considered as a fundamental basis for the development of the nation.
Modern education is characterized as:
- the basis for national security;
- base of preservation of historical and national-ethnic identity of the people;
- the leading mechanism of social and cultural continuity in the development of society;
- the basis playback of spiritual potential of the state and development of individuals;
- generic requirement, the form of human life in society;
- the mechanism of reproduction of the science and culture;
- the intellectual, scientific and educational basis of modern economics;
- the main mechanism of the reproduction and development of social intelligence
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