світоглядні орієнтири, світоглядні переконання.Abstract
It is analyzed the role of the social studies relatively to the forming of the world outlook reference points and convictions of the future generation. It is defined the problems and priorities of the education process.
It is maid the conclusion that the main directions of the higher education reforming are:
1. making higher education fundamental with the emphasis on the humanitarian component;
2. implementation of corporate programs (learning in higher education should be combined with work in firms or companies);
3. broad involvement of youth in actual problems of science;
4. improving the quality of higher education; increasing interest to the problems of talented youth;
5. study abroad;
6. Appropriate remuneration of labor and minimizing of teaching load in order to self- improvement.
Focus on the Bologna process should include:
- rational and reasonable restructuring, that has not lead to excessive restructuring of the national education system. This evolution of education should not be separated from other areas of society;
- education should focus on the formation of world outlook reference points of citizen, professional training and develop harmonious relationship with society as a whole, taking on the role of its leader;
- creation of the conditions for high mobility of students and teachers in Ukraine and abroad, the coordination of national and European degrees, forming effective system of long-life education.
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