Reforms of preschool education in German Federal Republic in the 70-ies.


  • L. Litvin


conception of the preschool education reform, model of the kindergarten, preschool education reform.


It is analyzed the main trends of the reform processes in preschool education in German Federal Republic in the 70-ies.; it is determined the preconditions of the reform of pre-school education; it is characterized the general conception of the reform of the education system in the field of early childhood care and legal requirements to the
qualified activities in educational institutions.
Today preschool teachers and staff`s training is carried out in so-called “Fachschulen fur Sozialpadagogik” or in other institutions. Availability of diplomatic education institutions gives an opportunity to work in pre-schools, in childcare homes, special schools, boarding schools and so on. The programs of teachers training vary according to the federal states, although the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education establishes the basic principles. The term of such education is 3 years, including 1 year of practical training. Conducting of the teaching practice includes teachers` seminars (Studienseminare), education law, methodology of education, selected items of pedagogic theories etc. During the pedagogical practice, future teachers become the most active participants under the leadership of the qualified teachers.
It is maid the conclusion that the reform processes allowed to begin heading toward the solving o the priority tasks in preschools, such as: rethinking of the purpose and content of education in pre-school; launching opener work with children and alternative conceptions of education. It is admitted that importance of educator`s profession is
increasingly recognized due to desire to spread and improve the quality of education


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How to Cite

Litvin, L. (2019). Reforms of preschool education in German Federal Republic in the 70-ies. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 106–109. Retrieved from

