Innovative methods of teaching in foreign language training of prospective economists


  • K. Matveyeva


innovative methods of training, Business English communication, international professional activities, training of prospective economists by means of the foreign language.


In the article the necessity of introduction of innovative methods of teaching in professional training of prospective economists in the process of learning of the foreign language is stated. The aim of their introduction is put and the complex of innovative methods that will provide positive changes in the system of professional training of
prospective economists in the process of learning of foreign language is defined. 
Implementation of innovative methods of training aims to:
– develop and improve students’ skills to make presentations in English, to take part in business communication i.e. in conferences and negotiations;
– learn the specific vocabulary for certain situations of communication, that is described by requirements and the standards of professional language training and which is implemented in the field of international business activities of economic specialists;
– practice communicative situations which are typical for professional activities of economists and to eliminate typical mistakes, difficulties and barriers that can arise in the process of professional communication of economics;
– motivate students to improve their language skills and to apply them in real context professional situations.
Such methods as a method of the problem solving, method of projects, discussion, role plays, simulations, training are described. The features of their implementation are described stage-by-stage in the training process, and also the expediency of their implementation is stated.


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How to Cite

Matveyeva, K. (2019). Innovative methods of teaching in foreign language training of prospective economists. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 96–101. Retrieved from

