The foundation of сontent сulturological training of a future pedagogue


  • V. Piddyachiy


aesthetic culture, cultural personality of future pedagogue, culture, culturological preparation of future pedagogue, ethics culture, mental culture, personality, physical culture, spiritual culture professional culture, volitional culture.


In connection with that one of primary purposes of culturological preparation of future pedagogue is development of his personality, the right that it was carried out in accordance with the structure of personality. In the article researched structure personality of a future pedagogue; on the basis of approaches I. A. Ziaziuna, M. M. Zakovycha,
І. Kanta and H. V. F. Hehelia is investigation concept «culture»; defined maintenance of culturological training of a future pedagogue, the structural elements of which are physical, aesthetic, ethics, volitional, mental, spiritual and professional cultures. To perspective directions of subsequent researches it is possible to deliver development of the methodical system of culturological preparation of students of higher pedagogical educational establishment, that would contain motivational, target, informative and active components. The structure of physical training culture consist of physical upbringing, vocational and applied physical culture, health and rehabilitative physical training, background species physical training. Psychological culture consists of meaningful, philosophical, personal, ontogenetic, phylogenetic and effective components. The basis of aesthetic culture are aesthetic sense, aesthetic taste and ideal. Professional culture provides possession of the specific professional knowledge, abilities, skills, values, attitudes and pedagogical abilities. Willed culture provides the ability to self-regulation, self-organization of his lives and professional activities, Self-limitation of some immediate needs and aspirations, self-limitation and manifestation volitional qualities. The contents of ethical culture include moral consciousness, moral relations and moral behavior. The structure of mental culture consist of motivational, cognitive and self-regulation components. Determined that the purpose of cultural preparation is cultural personality of future pedagogue.


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How to Cite

Piddyachiy, V. (2019). The foundation of сontent сulturological training of a future pedagogue. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 52–58. Retrieved from

