Genesis of social and professional mobility in pedagogical and related sciences


  • Y Sachuk


adaptation, mobility philosophy, paradigm of mobility, social and professional mobility, social level, variability.


Nowadays we often meet the notion of “mobility”. This term is widespread now and needs a lot of new details and explanations. The purpose of the article is to investigate the origins of the notion of “professional mobility”, to analyze the definitions of professional and social mobility, and to give a clear definition of “social and professional mobility” which based on existing data.
Today there is a so-called “information explosion”. That’s why there is the usual appearance of new terms. The paper describes the research which affects the origin concept of “social and professional mobility”. This term is new in the pedagogic science today. We need to make an excursion into the past and to consider the interpretation of the concepts of mobility in general, social and professional mobility in narrow meaning during their historic appearance for whole understanding of the terms. As we are interested in the mobility the individual, the answer to the question should be sought in ancient and basic sciences about personality and society. Sciences studying the personal development and relationships of personality in society are such sciences as sociology, psychology and philosophy. We conducted an analysis of the basic developments national and foreign scholars in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy and business related to concepts of social and professional mobility. It is focuses on the descriptions of social and professional mobility concerning its practical side. It is important to provide a link not on the theoretical background of this phenomenon but the practical part of it.
A lot of attention is paid to the psychological aspect because psychology is inseparable from pedagogy. You can raise a person of property formed the social and professional mobility if you study the psychological science thoroughly and completely. The result of research is the definition of social and professional mobility that is offered and scientifically proven.
This feature is new psycho-pedagogical phenomenon which is required of our time.


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How to Cite

Sachuk, Y. (2019). Genesis of social and professional mobility in pedagogical and related sciences. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (1-2), 32–37. Retrieved from

