innovation activities, research and innovation activities of higher education institution, scientific and innovation activities.Abstract
The role and place of «research and innovation activities» in the innovation activities of modern university are defined in this article. It is shown that the «research and innovation activities» of higher education are based on «scientific and research” component, which provides a basis for development strategy of the university and its mission in the modern world. A necessary condition for effective «research and innovation activities» of university is availability of innovation potential, which is provided primarily by the integration of educational and scientific activities and other activities of institutions that provide the necessary resources. Classical universities have the greatest innovation potential. «Research and innovation activities» of institution of higher education is defined as integrated activities aimed at the creation, development and implementation of scientific innovation in order to obtain economic, social and other effects; development and implementation of innovative projects aimed at solving important scientific, social, cultural, ethic and other issues. Two types of «research and innovation activities» are defined: «scientific and innovation» and «design and innovation»; it is shown that these two types have a number of common characteristics. It is important to distinguish the project as a final result, the project as a method of design and implementation as a form of «research and innovation activities».References
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