educational process, future managers of educational institutions, formation of professional ethics, technology, professional training.Abstract
Updating the structure of the pedagogical system for the formation of professional ethics in future managers of educational institutions in the modern context requires the integration of modern innovative approaches to professional training. The concept of a pedagogical system should combine basic theoretical and professional-applied components, satisfying the latest social requirements for the manager of an educational institution. The purpose of the study is the analysis of the modern interpretation of the structural components of the pedagogical system of the formation of professional ethics of future managers by educational institutions in the process of professional training. The study involved a number of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, structural-logical and comparative methods, generalization. The article emphasizes that the structure of the pedagogical system for the formation of professional ethics should cover such blocks as theoretical and substantive (reveals the content of pedagogical conditions and key concepts of the sphere of professional competence); target (represents modern requirements for professional training of managerial personnel in higher education institutions); methodological and conceptual (determines the algorithm for implementing an effective educational process); activity-procedural (reflects scientific and educational activities with a dominant on the formation of future managers of professional competence); effective and evaluative (contains a comprehensive diagnostic methodology, components, criteria and levels of professional competence). The structure of the pedagogical system for the formation of professional ethics of future managers of educational institutions proposed in the study provides for the maximum implementation of educational, professional and research practice for professional training, which actively contributes to the formation of a promising vision of one's own integration into management activities in educational applicants. It offers a strategy of assimilation of influence of classical and innovative pedagogical technologies, intensification of self-educational activity of future managers of educational institutions for effective formation of a stable system of professional ethics in them.
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