didactic, classroom, Common European Reference of Languages (CEFR), multilingual, teaching language sensitivity, United Nations.Abstract
The article emphasizes the crucial role of language proficiency as well as language sensitivity, especially within multilingual classroom environments, underlining the significance of adhering to the Common European Reference of Languages (CEFR) as a means of fostering global cohesion. It underscores the importance of aligning Ukraine’s educational strategies with international standards, particularly emphasizing the value of foreign language education. Furthermore, the paper stresses the necessity for foreign language teachers to acquire adequate didactical and methodological competencies, an awareness for language sensitivity, and intercultural understanding. It describes Austria’s successful implementation of the CEFR in language assessment, illustrating its pivotal role in standardized examinations and its broad international recognition. Specifically, the article outlines the structure of Austria’s Matura exam for foreign languages, which evaluates reading, listening, language in use, and writing, with a mandatory requirement to achieve a B2 level of CEFR proficiency. It suggests that standardized assessment formats, based on CEFR levels, mitigate stigmatization and ensure fairness in evaluation. Consequently, the paper recommends integrating the CEFR into Ukraine’s educational system to foster language proficiency and enhance language sensitivity in multilingual classrooms. It advocates training programs for language teachers on CEFR implementation and assessment, with the aim of fostering European unity through language education. The article suggests incorporating CEFR principles into Ukraine’s educational reform «New Ukrainian School», and underscores the importance of collaboration between Austrian and Ukrainian educators and researchers in achieving this goal.
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