foreign experience, formative assessment, learning outcomes for students/schoolchildren in natural science, natural science teachers, natural science subjects teaching methodology, online survey, reforming complete secondary education, self-assessment, summative assessment.Abstract
The relevance of using formative assessment in Ukrainian schools is outlined and confirmed by legal documents. The type of assessment focuses on the learning process and students’ achievements, which positively affects the results of teaching of natural science subjects. The scientific articles by foreign and Ukrainian authors on the essence and features of formative education were consistently analyzed. It is noted that the studied pedagogical phenomenon was justified by foreign scientists and has been used in schools for many years. Its effectiveness has been proven in practice. Until recently, formative assessment was not required in Ukrainian schools, so there is no fundamental research and established practice of its use in natural science education. Natural science teachers proactively comprehend its methodology and fragmentarily use it in the educational process. Theoretical and practical readiness of natural science teachers to use formative assessment was investigated by means of an online survey of 400 natural science teachers. Based on the results obtained, it was found out that natural science teachers are motivated, but their theoretical and practical readiness to use formative assessment is not sufficient. The conclusion is made about the need for targeted training of teachers to master the methodology of formative assessment. It is important that further research on the readiness of science teachers to use formative assessment is based not only on self-assessment, but also on expert assessments.
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