Trauma, Counselor education, War, Protective Factors, studentsAbstract
Ukrainian college students continue pursuing their education despite the Russian invasion. More knowledge is needed on how students handle their decision to continue or discontinue studies amidst war and crisis. Instructors, administrators, and students can benefit from research on the guidelines and protocols for continuing education during times of war to ensure the safety and enrichment of students. Psychology students are unique as their level of skills requires them to become mentally resilient. Despite war and trauma, college counseling and psychology-related students continue higher education studies and aspirations, demonstrating their psychological abilities and resilience to adjust to challenging times. Motivating factors such as optimism for the future, family, and friends have been found to encourage a sense of purpose during a crisis. Social support and coping strategies most influence resilience among those experiencing war. Fostering protecting factors such as community, family, altruism, resilience, and optimism can motivate college students to continue education despite challenging times such as war. Personal altruism can ensure students have a strong personal commitment to the profession, assuring perseverance despite war challenges. This research provides recommendations for counseling programs amidst war and crisis on supportive care to students, enhancement of protective factors, encouragement of altruism, understanding of the benefits of continuing counseling education, and the implementation of self-care to alleviate the war stressors of college students. Additionally, this article provides key factors to consider when students are choosing to continue or discontinue counseling/psychology programs when struck by war and crisis to ensure the support of students, faculty, and university staff.
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