digitalization, higher education institutions, online training, professional training, specialists, tourism industryAbstract
The article analyzes the features of digitization in the process of professional training of future specialists in the tourism industry in higher education institutions. It is summarized that digitization in higher education is important for teaching and studying the features of the functioning of the tourism industry, which will ensure the competitiveness of graduates for the tourism industry.
It is found out that the forms of teaching used in the process of professional training of future specialists in the tourism industry in institutions of higher education should be integrated with the needs of tourism organizations and aimed at generating innovative digital ideas, where any person in the organization can propose new production methods for implementation processes or apply new technologies so that the business creates additional material values and services that will allow to obtain profits, as well as to have a favorable competitive position in the market.
Emphasis is placed on the fact that one of the forms of training specialists of the specialty tourism in higher education institutions is the use of non-formal education opportunities, including online tourism courses, internships, practical courses in hotels, and educational (excursion) trips. Real-time hands-on research and learning have been found to help students better understand «real-life» tourism situations and issues.
In the article, we have summarized the ways of digitalization of professional training of future specialists in the tourism industry, which can be used by higher education institutions today.
Digitalization in the process of professional training of future specialists in the field of tourism is due to the development of scientific and technical progress and active digitalization of the field of tourism. Active digitization of the educational process allows the use of digital technologies and at the same time the use of blended learning, which is a challenge for teachers and students. Therefore, taking into account the increased requirements for specialists in the field of tourism, in the educational process of professional training in higher education institutions, digital competences should be formed.
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