educology,, future,, futurology,, future development of education, interdisciplinarity,, key competencies of future education,, multidisciplinary, sustainable development.Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of prospects for the development of education from the point of view of educology and futurology. The author emphasizes that the idea of the future has gone from science fiction to modern expectations and assumptions based on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, which allow scientists to understand the role of the future in the everyday life of humanity, in particular, to connect thinking with temporality, memory and modern technologies. The article examines the key competencies of future education, which are important for sustainable development both in the European, North and South American, Asian educational space, as well as for some specific regions of the world. Particular attention is paid to the differences in the concepts of competences corresponding to different circumstances in different regions of the world. On this basis, the article characterizes competences that are oriented towards the future and that must be developed in the educational process of university training: competence in anticipatory thinking; competence in interdisciplinary research; competence in cosmopolitan perception of changes and perspectives; competence in working with incomplete and complex information; competence in cooperation; competence in individual decision-making; competence in self-motivation and motivation of others; competence in thinking about individual and cultural patterns; competence in independent actions; competence in ethical actions; capacity for empathy and solidarity. The author focuses on those competencies recognized by all scientists regardless of the region of the world - this is the development of systematic, anticipatory and critical thinking. Key competencies have different relevance and meaning in different contexts and regions. Against this background, it becomes clear that universities must take into account certain differences when thinking about what key competencies students should develop in the educational process of higher education. Today, researchers of the future are trying to change the subjective thinking in the social sciences, humanities to an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach, which are devoid of ideological, religious, racial or ethnic doctrines. This especially applies to the educational sphere, in which it is necessary to overcome the separation of information in individual disciplines, which hinders the formation of a holistic imagination regarding the development of society, its structure, mechanisms of activity, etc.
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