higher education institutions teachers, internal motivation, external motivation, motivation of professional self-development, professional self-development, self-developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical justification of the motivation for professional self-development of teachers of higher education institutions and the generalization of the results of empirical research on the needs of self-development motivation. We define professional self-development as a conscious purposeful process of personal and professional self- improvement with the aim of creative self-realization while performing professional activities. However, we believe that teaching activity involves the dynamic involvement of both proficient and personal qualities and competences; therefore, the professional self-development of a teacher is aimed at self-cognition, self-affirmation, and self-improvement in all spheres of life. The process of professional self-development of teachers of higher education institutions requires a deeply realized value of its necessity, stable internal motivation, but it should be supplemented by external incentives in a creative educational environment, which was confirmed by empirical research.
The conducted research has proved the need to make up practical recommendations for teachers regarding professional self-development, which can become the basis for further research.
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