distance studying, educational institution, education seekers, educational services, stakeholders, total quality management (TQM)Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study and evaluate management factors that affect the quality of educational services, to identify priority directions of action to quickly ensure the proper quality of educational organization services. Empirical methods, statistical methods (building a Pareto chart), analysis and synthesis were used during the research in order to assess the risks and weaknesses of distance studying, determine the level of quality of educational services, as well as justify proposals and practical recommendations.
In the process of research, it was found that the following factors, the impact on which will make it possible to solve the problems of improving the quality of distance education in GSEI in general by at least 80%, were: low motivation of students; insufficient digital infrastructure in GSEI; ineffective interaction with the participants of the educational process; managers lack previous experience in remote work organization; limited technical support of the distance studying organization.
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