foreign language (English), HyFlex foreign language training organization, HyFlex training, specialty, 013 Primary education, specialty 012 Preschool educationAbstract
The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the HyFlex organization of foreign language learning for students of specialties 013 «Primary Education» and 012 «Preschool Education». The essence of the basic concepts «HyFlex training» and «HyFlex organization of foreign language training» have been clarified. Based on the analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature, the term «HyFlex learning» is defined as a form of learning in which one part of the students is present (physically) in the auditorium, while the other simultaneously participates in the learning process remotely (online). The concept «Hyflex organization of foreign language training for students of specialties 013 «Primary Education» and 012 «Preschool Education» is considered as a purposeful, structured set of actions of subjects of the educational process (lecturer and students) aimed at flexible provision and receipt of educational services with the purpose of achieving the results of foreign language training, which are determined by the educational and professional programs of the specified specialties. HyFlex foreign language training is aimed at expanding, improving and enriching the flexibility of education seekers in the content of their foreign language training.
With the help of a complex of theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, specification), the HyFlex technology of foreign language learning for students of specialties 013 «Primary Education» and 012 «Preschool Education» was determined. Its purpose is to create favorable conditions so that students could to master a foreign language effectively, taking into account the objective risks of nowadays (pandemic, war, etc.). The tasks and outcomes of the Hyflex technology of foreign language learning for students of specialties 013 «Primary Education» and 012 «Preschool Education» are correlated with the Educational and Professional Programs of the specified specialties.
The structure and logic of the Hyflex organization of foreign language learning for students of specialties 013 «Primary Education» and 012 «Preschool Education» was determined, which includes the following stages (components): organizational-target, activity-procedural and evaluation-refective. The authors have characterized each structural component of the Hyflex foreign language learning technology in short.
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