creativity, possibilities for development, subjective well-being, students’ creativity, universityAbstract
The article deals with the importance of development of future specialists’ creativity at foreign language classes. The concept of creativity has been disclosed; the conditions and opportunities for its development have been revealed. The problem of subjective well-being has been considered. The vision of creativity by researchers from different countries of the world has been represented: as the ability to create original and adaptive products; applicability and usefulness in resolving problems at hand; changeability over time and due to cultural and socio-economic realities; as a source of new technologies, methods and techniques of social work and productive ways of their application. Methods and techniques for development of creativity at foreign language classes have been suggested: asking open-ended or challenging questions; encouraging students to talk freely on various topics; finishing unfinished stories; creative writing in the form of self-invented stories, poems, plans, inventions; development of projects, etc. The methods and tools for improving and promoting future specialists’ creativity have been represented. The impact of creativity on subjective well-being at foreign language classes has been stated and considered. The effect of creativity on subjective well-being has been disclosed. The concept of well-being has been revealed as the state of being or doing well in life; happy, healthy, or prosperous condition; moral or physical welfare of a person or community. The connection of these aspects of well-being with the acquisition of a foreign language have been stated, which, apart from the cognitive gains, can contribute to person's social and emotional well-being.
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