creativity, development, foreign language, foreign language classes, student creativityAbstract
The article deals with the concepts of creativity and the importance of its development in students at foreign language classes. It has been revealed that the development of students’ creativity is conditioned by the need to implement complex, non-standard tasks and to resolve situations in the process of professional international communication and the need to establish a deeper mutual understanding. Language acquisition is formulated in the article as an extremely complex and creative process, which is influenced by social and cultural environment inside and outside the language context, the structure of native and foreign languages, the duration of communication in a foreign language, the regularity of using languages, individual characteristics and experience, as well as methods of teaching and learning. The article reveals the researchers’ vision of creativity: as a universal ability to be creative; personality traits; an individual’s ability to go beyond the given situation, to create original value; the process of manifestation of one’s own individuality; an obligatory teacher’s characteristic. The article indicates the multidimensional nature of creativity, emphasizing that the basis for creativity can be knowledge both in technical and non-technical fields. The article reveals the need to generate a creative atmosphere in the audience, which implies a high level of initiative, activity and diligence, as well as encouraging students to independent search, discover, experiment, acquire knowledge and skills, express their own opinions and conflicting opinions; creation of space for discussion, advocacy of ideas, as well as for the development of tolerance and recognition.
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