civilian population, education, international humanitarian law, protection, Russian military aggression, warAbstract
The urgency of the problem is determined by the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. There at more than a thousand educational institutions were destroyed or damaged, and 60% of Ukrainian children were forced to become refugees: acquire internally displaced persons in Ukraine or migrate to different countries. During the Russian military aggression in Ukraine in 2022, more than 563 children were injured, 202 children died, and more than 361children were wounded (as of April 17, 2022). Nowadays, when in some regions of Ukraine there is a real threat to life and health of citizens, and in most regions the air alarm is repeatedly announced during the day, the organization of the educational process even by distance learning or using its elements is becoming an increasing problem.
The aim of the article is to highlight the historical experience of protecting education from hostilities, forming a legal framework for the protection of civilians and children as a particularly vulnerable category in armed conflict, the formation of a modern system of international humanitarian law to protect the right of children and youth to education. The author used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and methods of historical research: periodization, historical-comparative, historical-genetic, historical-systemic.
The article presents facts from world history that testify to the protection of educational institutions, civilians and children during military conflicts. It is emphasized that in the XX-XXI centuries schools and universities were widely used by the combatants for military purposes: to house personnel or as bases and ammunition depots, detention centers and other military purposes, which affects participants in the educational process and educational staff institutions at risk. The author notes that the right of children and young people in education is violated in most countries affected by conflict or instability. The consequences of attacks on educational institutions are injuries and deaths, destruction of educational infrastructure, reduced quality of education and training, lack of social protection of participants in the educational process, which makes it impossible for countries to realize the right of children and youth to education.
The article focuses on modern Ukrainian realities determined by Russian military aggression.
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