evaluation system, feedback, formative evaluations, learning outcomes, self-esteemAbstract
The article considers issues related to the need to modernize the current system of assessment of academic achievements of primary and secondary school students, due to their transition to study according to the new state educational standards. The results of the research of teachers’ and students’ views on the current assessment system, on its role in the individual approach to the student’s personality in the learning process are presented. The obtained results testify to the participants’ understanding of the shortcomings of the current assessment system and the need to develop such an approach to the assessment of educational achievements, which would eliminate the existing contradictions. The problems of the current assessment system highlighted in the article can be solved by implementing modern world practice of introduction of so-called formative assessment in the domestic educational environment, which will track individual progress of students in the learning process for timely correction, active involvement of students in the assessment process. It draws attention to the students’ understanding that the objectivity of assessment, self-assessment of educational activities, dialogic feedback should become tools of modern education. The results of the survey of students show a difference in views on assessment depending on their age. Based on the comparison of the results of the survey of participants in the educational process, the similarity of their views on the problems of the current assessment system is shown. This article is a continuation of the scientific search for ways to improve the system of monitoring and evaluation of student achievement in general secondary education.
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