general secondary education, informational environment, methods of teaching the Ukrainian language, technology of formation of moral and value orientations, valuesAbstract
The article highlights the peculiarities of the formation of the axiological space of the individual in the process of learning the Ukrainian language. Scientific works on the coverage of the outlined problem in them are analyzed. It has been proven that recently a lot of attention has been focused on the study of values in the historical context. The preconditions for the formation of value orientations, which are laid down in preschool age, are determined, but the formation itself takes place in adolescence, when interest in morals, ethics, worldview grows, and the students’ interests switch from specific to general. It is emphasized that the structure of value orientations contains three components: cognitive (awareness of the essence of the phenomenon, its qualities and properties), emotional (experience of the value of the phenomenon), motivational and behavioral (willingness to act in accordance with perceived value in the situation of choice). It was found that the decisive role in the formation of students’ values in Ukrainian language lessons belongs to the didactic and methodological resource, ie the selection of texts and sentences of appropriate content and methodologically appropriate system of tasks for them, as well as topics for creative work and discussion. Emphasis is placed on the structural and functional technology of formation of moral and value orientations in the lessons of the Ukrainian language, which contains stages: information-cognitive, activity-practical, generalizing-discussion. Examples of multilevel exercises and tasks that will contribute to the formation of the axiological space of the student's personality are given.
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