augmented reality (AR), e-learning, immersive technologies, interactive learning, virtual reality (VR), VR glassesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the virtual reality technologies that are already used to modernize the education system, to review and determine the relevance of existing augmented and virtual reality applications used in the modern educational process. The choice of research methods is determined by the purpose of the article and the subject of research, in particular, a systematic approach to the analysis of works on virtualization of education, general scientific and empirical techniques based on a systematic approach, and general research methods such as generalization and comparison. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the review of VR-systems and applications used today in the educational process, in particular in Ukraine, focusing on the problems and prospects for their further use for educational purposes. The article describes the possibilities and advantages of using virtual reality technologies in modern education. It is noted that today there are already several thousand different applications for the use of virtual reality in education, and their number is increasing daily – in the European market alone there are more than 300 companies engaged in the development of these technologies. Thanks to new challenges and virtual reality technologies, the education sector is on the threshold of a new stage of technological and effective development. New curricula will appear in the near future, and virtual reality technology will be improved and implemented in an increasing number of educational processes. It is emphasized that a significant prerequisite for the development of the education sector is the intensive spread of virtual reality technologies, while the development of VR programs is still expensive and time-consuming, labour-intensive, and not all learning materials can be transferred to VR. Effective use of VR-technologies requires a significant change in curricula at the state level, so the introduction of VR-technologies in the education sector is at the level of experiments.
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