algorithm of critical thinking development technology, critical thinking, development of critical thinking, education, «post-truth», theory and practice of critical thinkingAbstract
Based on a systematic analysis of the rapid changes in the information society related to the pragmatics of «leader» technologies of the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0), the article reveals the role and importance of critical thinking as one of the basic human skills of the 21st century. It is proved that the development of critical thinking has become a leading trend in the modern educational process and requires not only an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of critical thinking itself, but also new technologies for its implementation in teaching. In the specified discourse, the basic «pain points» of the development of critical thinking in the theory and practice of domestic pedagogical activities are defined and mechanisms of solving existing problems are outlined. It has been stressed that critical thinking is not a separate skill, but a synergy of many skills. Critical thinking is a specific form of evaluative activity in the process of cognition, which is focused on identifying the level of reliability of a fact recognized as a model or standard and produces purposeful self-determination on the way of its reconstruction and productive transformation. Four postulates of critical thinking are formulated and the algorithm of a critical thinking development technology is offered, which provides a number of specific techniques at various levels of education, in various subject fields, kinds and forms of pedagogical activity. It has been determined that the implementation of the technology for the development of critical thinking presupposes the sequential implementation of a three-level algorithm: Evocation, Meaning Realization and Reflection. Each of these three levels has its own goal and objectives, as well as a complex of pedagogical methods, techniques aimed at enhancing research, creative activity, and then on comprehending and generalizing the knowledge gained.
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The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
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