elementary school student, financial literacy, international experience, professional developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to international experience in teaching financial literacy in elementary school students. The state of research is analyzed in the theory and practice of elementary education. This article reacts to the current situation in our society and the need for financial education in schools. The modern world requires financial and economic literacy.
The essence of the concept and importance of financial literacy is considered. Appearances of scientists to interpret the concept of «financial literacy» are revealed. The author proposes an actual definition of financial literacy, which is understood as human skills to dispose of their own funds, possessing the basic financial knowledge, which will rationally take financial decisions.
An analysis of international experience in teaching financial literacy and organization of educational process aimed at developing financial skills of elementary school students is carried out. Financial literacy and financial education are not new categories for the world experience of young education. The number of countries that implement financial literacy programs increases annually. So, in Europe there are more than 180 such programs. The study showed that it is extremely important to include financial literacy in the educational process in the elementary school an important role in learning students of the elementary school of financial literacy play relevant programs developed by ministries of finance, national banks, public organizations, charitable foundations, etc. that exist in different countries of the world (USA, Great Britain, Netherlands, Turkey and others).
The author concludes that there is a need for mastering young competencies in various types of financial activity due to the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian society. From these grounds for key competencies that should form into school students, financial literacy includes.
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Halloluwa, T., Vyas, D., Usoof, H., Bandara, P., Brereton, M., Hewagamage, P. (2017). Designing for Financial Literacy: Co-design with Children in Rural Sri Lanka. In: Bernhaupt R., Dalvi G., Joshi A., K. Balkrishan D., O’Neill J., Winckler M. (Eds.). Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2017. INTERACT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10513 (рр. 313–334). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67744-6_21
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Opletalová, A. (2015). Financial Education and Financial Literacy in the Czech Education System. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 171, 1176–1184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.229.
Sel, B., Sözer, M. A. (2020). The Examination of Primary School Teachers’ Financial Literacy Attitudes and Behaviors in Terms of Different Variables. Elementary Education Online, 19 (4), 1987–1997. https://doi.org/10.17051/ilkonline.2020.763118
jaar Week van het geld. https://www.weekvanhetgeld.nl/over-deze-week/10-jaar-Week-van-het-geld/
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