future marketologist , marketing specialist, structural and component analysis, structure of leadership competence, supraprofessional competenceAbstract
The article analyzes the views of domestic and foreign scientists on the essence of «leadership competence» concept, identifies and scientifically conditions the structure of leadership competence of future marketologist. As a result of the research the author states that, firstly, leadership competence is a steady integral component of supraprofessional competence of a marketologist; secondly, leadership competence of future marketologist, as well as its components in most cases is not a natural phenomenon, but emerges as a result of certain experience of a person, which runs on their positive attitude to this phenomenon, awareness of motives and needs in it, acquired knowledge, skills and personal qualities of people, which then find practical implementation in the form of leadership behaviour. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical investigations we have identified the following structural components of leadership competence of future marketologist: motivational (motives, needs, emotions, values in regard to leadership), cognitive (knowledge, leadership beliefs), activity (actions, skills, abilities, leadership behaviour) and personality (complex of leadership qualities, reflexivity, empathy, emotional intelligence). According to the analysis of the primary positions that can be held by a bachelor of marketing, the functions and corresponding professional competences that require the formed leadership competency of a marketologist are identified and it is demonstrated how the leadership competency is realized in the marketing activity. Thus, leadership competence provides grounds for efficient activity in the field of marketing, creating conditions for manifestation of initiative, responsibility and active economic position of a marketing specialist and ensuring his/her professional mobility and competitiveness.
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