disability, European Union, quality of life, standardsAbstract
The image of disability in EU societies is changing. On the one hand, statistical data (global and European) indicate an increase in the number of people with disabilities. This is especially true for women, the elderly and the poor. On the other hand, numerous legislative and implementation activities are undertaken to implement the social model in the approach to disability issues. The effectiveness of social and economic policies in the EU member states is expressed by the quality of life of people with disabilities. The article presents the WHO global position on the disability problem and a brief comparative analysis of key statistical data characterising people with disabilities in the EU member states.
The EU priorities regarding the standards of functioning of people with disabilities in the objective and subjective dimensions are discussed. The source of the EU’s strategy and activities are international documents: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of 2006 and the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan.
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