discussion, criterion-conceptual direction, awareness, problem, self-employment, situation of technology.Abstract
We analyze the autonomy of university graduates in solving the problem of employment. It is presented criterionconceptual
awareness of trends in values and problems graduates successful life.
It is maid the conclusion that the priority actions in solving the problem of graduates` employment are:
1. Development and implementation of the new fundamental basis of the university education – integrated
indicators of students` self-cognition of different market sectors and professional sphere.
2. Rationalization and updating the content, forms, methods and tools of vocational training process according
to the new tasks that are formed by educology, economic psychology etc. In particular it is the purpose and tasks
of future professionals` preparing to the project activities that aimed at mastering business, self-development of
professional competence, reflective thinking, professional self-realization.
3. On the basis of totality studied theoretical and practical informational newness to perform variational using of
the innovative disciplines` content in educational and vocational training of the graduates to self-employment.
4. To practice the approbation of the formation of independence in situations of market employment.
5. To create a learning space for presenting by students the implementation of self-employment abilities in practice.
6. To organize standing debate on the development of students` confidence on the basis of self-affirmation,
acqauring the features of the future work etc. To practice discussion or trainings of different types.
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