
  • D. Mytsenko


seminar, evaluation of educational achievements of students, computer control of knowledge


The article reveals the content of the comprehensive evaluation of educational achievements of students during the
seminars. Emphasizes the importance and effectiveness of using contextual approach to the organization of seminars.
Examples of game modelling of the future professional activity during the seminars in the humanities.
Peculiarities of application of computer control of knowledge as one of the important elements of an assessment of
educational achievements of students during the seminars. Determined motivational and stimulating, assessment and
cognitive-forming function of the computer control knowledge seminars. The advantages of the computer program
“HotPotatoes 6” for the production of computer-based training tests. Notes on applications of computer tests, carried
out using the computer program “HotPotatoes 6” in distance education systems. The peculiarities of the educational
system “Мооdle” means how popular course development for distance education. Analyzed the experience and
prospects of applying computer control of knowledge in the educational process of the higher school.
It is concluded that the experience of using integrated assessment of knowledge, which is computer control of
knowledge is evidence of its efficiency and expediency of the further application in the educational process of the
higher school.
However, computer control is not considered as a replacement for all other forms of evaluation of educational
activity of students, and is only one of the means of pedagogical diagnostics. Analysis of trends in the overall
development of society and education in particular allows us to predict the further spread and growth of the role of
computer and information technology in education.


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How to Cite

Mytsenko, D. (2019). EVALUATION OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF STUDENTS DURING SEMINARS. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (3-4), 68–73. Retrieved from http://npo.kubg.edu.ua/article/view/186097

