
  • V. Kornyat


diagnostic skills, content, teaching complex principle, training, social pedagogue, formation.


The problem of innovative approaches to the organization of training future social workers in teacher training
The essence of the concept of “educational content” in scientific research, particularly S. Goncharenko, A.
Kuzmynskyi, S. Sysoev, A. Cape. Emphasized the importance of content in the context of academic disciplines in
the process of training, especially for future social workers. Posted requirement Cape Alexander, R. Vaynoly the
content of training is social workers. The basic didactic principles, which should be based teacher in the selection of
educational content, in the context of future specialists in diagnostic skills: scientific and relevance, developmental
education, creative activity, integrity training, focus on the professional development of the individual throughout
life. Outlined specific principles which are characteristic in the preparation of social workers: ensuring uniformity
of educational and professional units, creating emotionally supportive learning environment, using various forms
and methods of intensification of teaching and learning of students, coordinate educational content to individual
psychological characteristics of students and involve students in independent scientific research activities. The
analysis of educational programs for the formation of diagnostic skills. The necessity of improving their semantic
content. Posted structure of educational and methodical complex that will facilitate the process of forming effective
diagnostic skills of future social workers in teacher training colleges.


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How to Cite

Kornyat, V. (2019). SELECTION OF CONTENTS FORMATION DIAGNOSTIC ABILITIES FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHERS. Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, (3-4), 51–56. Retrieved from

